Pros and Cons of Investing in Single-Tenant vs. Multi-Tenant Net Lease Properties


Net lease properties have become increasingly popular among real estate investors seeking a stable income stream with reduced management responsibilities. When considering net lease investments, one crucial decision to make is whether to invest in single-tenant or multi-tenant properties. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. In this blog post, we’ll explore the pros and cons of investing in single-tenant vs. multi-tenant net lease properties to help you make an informed investment decision.

Single-Tenant Net Lease Properties


  1. Stable Rental Income: Single-tenant properties offer a stable and predictable income stream. Lease agreements typically have long terms, often ranging from 5 to 20 years, providing landlords with consistent rental income.

  2. Minimal Management: Investors in single-tenant net lease properties enjoy minimal management responsibilities. Tenants are responsible for property taxes, insurance, and maintenance, reducing the landlord’s workload.

  3. Strong Credit Tenants: Single-tenant properties often attract well-established, nationally recognized tenants with strong credit profiles. These tenants are less likely to default on their lease obligations, providing a sense of security for investors.

  4. Ease of Financing: Financing single-tenant properties can be more straightforward, as lenders may find them less risky due to the stability of long-term leases and well-established tenants.


  1. Tenant Vacancy Risk: The primary drawback of single-tenant properties is the risk associated with tenant vacancies. If the sole tenant vacates, the property’s income stream may stop entirely, leaving the landlord with an empty property until a new tenant is secured.

  2. Lease Negotiation: Finding a replacement tenant for a single-tenant property can be challenging and time-consuming. Lease negotiation with a new tenant may also involve lengthy negotiations.

Multi-Tenant Net Lease Properties


  1. Diversified Income: Multi-tenant net lease properties provide diversification. With multiple tenants, you are not solely reliant on a single source of income, reducing the impact of one tenant vacating.

  2. Tenant Mix: The presence of multiple tenants allows for a variety of business types, which can attract a broader customer base and potentially enhance the property’s value.

  3. Lower Vacancy Risk: While individual tenants may come and go, multi-tenant properties are less susceptible to sudden income disruptions. The departure of one tenant does not necessarily mean a complete loss of income.


  1. Management Complexity: Multi-tenant properties may require more hands-on management. Landlords are responsible for coordinating lease agreements with multiple tenants, handling maintenance requests, and managing relationships with various tenants.

  2. Tenant Quality Variability: Not all tenants in a multi-tenant property may have the same financial stability or creditworthiness. A weaker tenant’s financial issues could impact the property’s overall performance.

  3. Lease Coordination: Coordinating lease terms, expiration dates, and rent escalations among multiple tenants can be challenging and time-consuming.

The decision to invest in single-tenant or multi-tenant net lease properties ultimately depends on your investment goals, risk tolerance, and management capabilities. Single-tenant properties offer stability and ease of management but come with higher tenant vacancy risk. On the other hand, multi-tenant properties provide diversification and lower vacancy risk but may require more active management.

As with any investment, due diligence is key. Carefully assess tenant creditworthiness, market conditions, and property location when evaluating net lease opportunities. Additionally, consider consulting with a real estate professional or financial advisor to determine which type of net lease property aligns best with your investment strategy and financial objectives.